Today’s Wordle Answer (September 14th, 2022): Puzzle 452 Hints, Clues, and Solution

The Wordle solution for September 14, 2022 is a fragrant pleasure that you can produce at home. It may be used to spice up a classic chicken dish or a lovely tray of roast potatoes.

Although the term in Puzzle 452 is frequently used in cooking, its homophone is far more frequently used (a word that sounds the same but is spelled differently).

Even yet, it might still be an underratedly challenging word to guess in Wordle. This is due to some unusual consonant combinations in the centre of the word as well as a few silent letters that might make it more difficult to hazard a guess.

Additionally, there is only one vowel at the end of the word, so there isn't a simple foundation to build on even though there aren't any tricky doubles to deal with.

In order to help you out, we've created some Wordle tips for September 14, 2022, as well as updated our ongoing list of most current solutions from the previous month.

Clues and hints for Today's Wordle Answer

Sometimes it's preferable to follow your nose and look to nature for some inspiration when you simply can't think of the best guess in Wordle. But even if you don't have access to a fancy herb garden, you might have the next best thing in a jar in the kitchen cabinet.

Here are some Wordle tips to aid you in narrowing down the hundreds of choices to under six guesses.

Your puzzle 452 hints are as follows:

  • The solution only has one vowel at the end, but a word without a vowel can still be formed using the letter in the middle.

  • In "ye olde talk," the first three letters make out the word "your."

  • The word has a clock-like pronunciation.

  • In the supermarket or grocery shop, you can get it fresh or dried.

The Problems of Summer Break

Working parents may find it challenging to stay at home with their kids, forcing them to spend money on daycare, summer camps, and other costs. At least these expenses would be dispersed in a system where schools had shorter breaks more frequently throughout the year as opposed to just one large one over the summer. Over such a long summer break, students would also likely lose a significant portion of what they had learned the previous school year; according to research, this memory loss might range from 17% to 34% for each semester. Everyone involved should realise that this is not ideal.

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According to other studies, the summer months worsen inequality and income divides, with lower-income students falling further behind. The explanation is simple: Families with limited financial resources will find it more difficult to enrol their children in summer camps, extracurricular activities, or trips. And for children who receive a lot of their meals at school, adding more days might have a significant impact (and might not at home).

The Benefits of a Balanced Calendar

There are benefits to spacing out breaks in the interim. It implies that during the academic year, rest breaks are more frequently available to both students and teachers.

The academic year is divided into numerous medium-sized (two to three week) breaks in school calendars that are in place all year. These breaks and marking periods range in length. While some institutions follow four 45-day academic sessions with 15-day breaks, others follow three 60-day academic periods with 20-day holidays. Some schedule changes and school year extensions include the addition of a week or two-long "intersession" period where students enrol in academic courses outside of their regular course load. According to the Congressional Research Service, year-round schools typically operate 189 days per year.

Today’s Wordle Answer September 14th

Thyme is the Wordle answer for today.

The term for the herb thyme has a rich and intricate etymology that matches its wide range of uses and availability.

The Old French term "thym," which has origins in the Latin word "thymus," and both of which were used to describe the herb thyme, is where the current English word "thyme" originates from.

Because thyme has a smoky aroma, it has been hypothesized that this name originated from the Ancient Greek word "thumon," which means "to smoke." However, this isn't generally recognized.

Despite having a similar sound, the word "time" has a completely distinct origin than thyme. While time is of Germanic origin and has words that are extremely similar in Old Norse, thyme is of Latinate origin. Words that share a similar sound but have entirely distinct meanings typically do so because they have a different language as their origin.

Try one of these difficult Wordle alternatives to a new test.

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